Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I don't feel like I am good enough to be anyone's friend. I feel like I do things for the sake of doing it. Like, only to remain in contact with them. I don't feel like I genuinely interest people or give back to them. Sometimes I wish it were just me and the birds on this planet. I don't understand social situations. I still get deathly scared when I'm in crowds, or even with a group of people who know me. I don't know how to do it, and I feel like I'm wasting everybody's time. Even Ian. . . :(

This post isn't even about how much time I spend with people. Even when I am with them, I feel like a nuisance.

I wish I were a beautiful person, inside and out, so that I would be worth someone's time.


Unknown said...

Christine, where is this coming from? You know it's all baloney! Silly, you're an amazing person.

Southwest said...

What Ian said.

We love you, silly! Of course you interest us. After all, you're our friend. :)

Che said...

Wow. That's exactly how I feel right now, especially after I found out something about my bitch ass friend is doing. Actually it's not that bad, but I just feel super sensitive right now lol. But call me tomorrow and we can talk about how we'll make friends in college and how our workout plans are going and like always,food.

Christine said...

Awww, thanks guys!

maxine said...