Friday, January 16, 2009

Boreddd. With a triple D.

Hahaha I'm so proud of myself, that was so clever. Well, to me it was. I'm bored, so instead of doing my homework, I'm gonna write a story.

Once upon a time there were three beautiful birds named Reen, Teen and Xeen. They all had beautiful aspects, but the most beautiful was OBVIOUSLY Teen. Reen and Xeen were pretty, but people often forgot about that because they didn't have beautiful hearts. Instead of operate at level 6 on Kohlberg's (i'm such an eloquent writer hahaha) morality scale, they took advantage of men and used them to obtain material goods. For example, Reen told Luap that she would marry him, but only if he proved his love with gold. Once she got the gold, she bird pooped on him, because she's a bird. I almost forgot about that part.

As I said before, they were all birds. Reen had lush black plumage that continued past her actual body, and round amber eyes. She had one of those birdy mohawk things, and for some reason, male birds think that's hot. Reen was medium in size, but her wings were twice her length, which gave a very graceful look.

Xeen was a white bird, because she was the youngest, and her plumage relfected the almost-purity and almost-innocence of her young heart. She was only corrupted by Reen. Anyway, she was white and had sharp wings and a very petite body. She looked as if she was built to be quick and agile, but maintained a feminine round birdy looking face. Her eyes were blue. One of her flaws was that she pooped too much because she ate too much. This is SUCH an intelligent story, as you can tell. I am NOT, I repeat, AM NOT, making this up as I go.

Now Teen was the most beautiful. She had a deep blue plumage and a very full body. Her wings were a vivacious green and were tipped with gold. Her beak was jet black and here eyes were as deep as a scarlet rose. Men... i mean MALE BIRDS... forgot about Reen and Xeen as soon as they saw her take flight.

One day, Reen and Xeen were sick of not having boyfriends, and decided to disguise themselves as Teen. One would think they did it so THEY could get men, which WAS part of the plan, but the REAL reason was so they could destroy Teen's reputation.
"We shall tweet make tweeeet her look like a tweet STUPID tweet bird tweet!"
"That's is a brilliant tweet plan, Reen! Tweeet!"

SO they made costumes. Now, there was a male bird who saw Xeen and Reen. His name was Steinersteinhead. He got excited and thought, "Wow, Teen must have duplicated herself! WOO!" So he flew over and chirped under their armpits, because that's what birds do. Instead of chirping back, Reen and Xeen gave him gross bugs to eat and smeared blood all over his blue and white plumage. He flew away, disgusted, and was mad at "Teen."

All the birds noticed "Teen's" odd behavior and they got together, and started to sing about it, while dancing and chirping in hindi (like this video: ORRR! Steinersteinhead still couldn't believe how rude Teen and been, and set up a plan to discover the truth.

He told the Teens to fly over, so Reen and Xeen did so, confused on why he was still talking to them. He said, "I chirp must have done chirp chirp something wrong, so I got you this pin. What you do is pin it your tail to the ground and try and fly, and then you'll become happier and prettier!" Reen and Xeen were stupid, and fell for it. Then did what he said, and instead of becoming happier and prettier, their costumes came off!! Steinersteinhead then said, "AHA! I CHIRP KNEW SOMETHING CHIRP WAS CHIRP CHIRP WRONG!!" Reen and Xeen were then banished from Bird World and flew to Cat world. That. . . didn't work out so well. Anyywaaayyyy....

Steinersteinhead and Teen got a bird wedding and the other birds voted them as ruler. From that day on, life was just chirpy for the birds.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


God! Everyone keeps fucking misinterpreting what I'm saying, or telling me stuff without backing it up!!! It's driving me insane. I was complaining about not hanging out enough with people, so a friend tells me, "We would invite you, but you and Ian are always all over each other, so we don't..." NO NO NO. THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEANT.

I am not just Christine, who is going out with Ian. We are not the same person. Yes that's cute, but seriously! I MEANT ME. NOT HIM. ME! Why don't you invite me, not why don't you invite US!? I really don't care anymore, I just hated getting a bullshit answer that made little sense.

Also! Another friend told me I was in a "destructive relationship." You know, I was happy to listen why. If that's so, I might look into making changes OR break up with Ian. YES. Break up with him. We're so close at this point, that I'm confident we would be friends afterward. Absolutely confident. I might be acting ignorant, but at least that's one less thing to make be afraid of the future.


I don't understand how my relationship could be perceived as "destructive." We're both totally happy. In fact, the only reason I've doubted that, IS BECAUSE OF THIS STUPID FRIEND WHO IS FULL OF SHIT. Not really, he's actually really smart, but WHATEVER.

And you know what?! I could sit there and pick apart everyone else, like they apparently do with me, BUT I DON'T, because

1. I know it's rude
2. Why is it my place to judge?
3. I don't say crap if I don't know what I'm talking about

This person doesn't know the tiniest thing about my relationship! God... people are full of shit these days.