Thursday, July 26, 2007

HJP...oh and thinking can be painful.


Second, thinking has been way too much work for me lately. Actually it's just this one thing. Okay, so people date, go out, whatever you wanna call it, right? Well, you're either going to break up with that person, or marry them. Or just keep going out with them forever?????

1. You break up

What's the point of going out with someone if you're just going to end up breaking up and heartbroken? I mean, if you know you're not going to end up with that person, then what's the point of going out with them at all??

2. You get married

Who the hell thinks, after a few months, "Hmm...I think I'm going to end up marrying this person..." Especially in high school!!! That is extremely unlikely.

3. You go out forever.

Three letters. Ready? W. T. F.

See...I'm tired, and confused. Relationships need to die. And everyone needs to become bunnies and like Harry Potter and then turn into blades of grass. Please disregard the previous sentence. ^^

EDIT: I think my point was, what are you supposed to expect out of a relationship...I mean in the future?


Aubrey said...

Good question, I've been wondering that myself. btw, if we were all bunnies, life would be easier, you mate with a bunch of other bunnies, then you die. Pretty simple life, I think in the director's cut DVD Donnie Darko says that a lot better... but whatever, I'm tired.

Christine said... one expects anything intelligent out of anyone after 11:30 pm, so no sweat lol.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You're too young to get married Christine.

Srsly though, Ricky Chan once asked the same question, to which Hammons replied that "there are certain perks to having a girlfriend."

Christine said...

lol, of course I don't want to get married! Aaah!

And who the fucking hell keeps deleting their comments???? Decide if you wanna say something before you post it!

(omg, I just imagined that last paragraph in the accent of Carla from Scrubs....)

Elentine said...

Well, my theory is that you learn to warm up to people, interact with them in that certain intimate way, so when you do meet "the One" you don't act like an idiot and muck it all up. Like, most first kisses I hear are rubbish (i have no personal experience myself, however), but we get better. I assume sex is roughly the same way; a porn star is probably a better ride than a virgin. So, I guess I'm saying... be a whore? I have no idea. Your HP-loving bunny-grass theory made more sense.

Aubrey said...

yes, unless the first time you have sex, you have it with a porn star...or at least someone very, I guess the moral of this is, don't be a whore, just have sex with one (but make sure they have an STD test first...)

Christine said...

lol I didn't intend for the grass bunny Hp theory to make sense, lol.

Yah my first kiss was good...well...the techincal first one was extremely shy...but after that it was ballin' yo! As for everything taht follows the first kiss, you just need to become comfortable to take risks with your partner...

And yeah, I no have teh sexz before teh marriage lmao.