Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Oh. My. Effing. Gosh. I can't handle this heat! No longer can I wake up, see the sun and say, "Aaaah, what a beautiful day! I love the summer time." No. Gone are the days where little children play on the sidewalk. Yes....yes, NOW little children FRY on the sidewalk! As I walk downstairs, beautiful and fleeting images of the vivid colors of fall, the cool breeze as a dying leaf dances at your feet, a dead tree looming over a fence flash through my mind...oh, how I long for the autumn. The winter...the cold. They have come to hold a dear place in my heart. Not to mention the rain...

O Rain, how I love you. There is no better feeling that encompasses me, than the one that soars through my veins when you caress my face (okay, perhaps Ian can top that...). How I long for you! I miss hearing your arrival as you patter on the roof. How lonely the leaves must feel without your sacred drops prancing and sliding on their bellies, infant waterfalls dumping forth pools of joy. Rain, rain, please don't go away...


Elentine said...

Omg, I know! It was about the same temeperature back in Moab, IN THE FREAKING DESERT! At least there, the humidity was, like, 6%, and not the God-awful 35% like here. I'm living in the basement now. It's always the coolest room in the house. Last night's thunderstorm was pretty cool, though. Oh, the sweet rain...

Christine said...

Yeah, I seriously had an orgasm when the rain started pouring. I was seriously yelling my lungs out.

This recent rain has reeeeally been welcome.