Monday, October 17, 2005


Here are some peeerty pictures...err picture. Anyway, Arend's class will be sooooooooo much more easier now that I have my book! I don't really have anything to....wait. I do. I don't have a crush on Justin Berfeild, but he still is hott. And I can't believe I like this person....AGAIN! I'm not going to say who it is, but I will say thing, I've liked them previously for three years, not in a row, but for three years. And if you happen to be my sister, do not reveal this oh so confidential info! Oh, and to rule out a certain possiblility, because I do not want any assumptions made, it's not Spencer. Ha. That'd be funny. Anyways, bye bye santas! The usual...


Christine said...

If I didn't want any assumptions made, why'd I give you a clue....^_^

Elaine said...

I don't have to make assumptions...hehe. I love your new id card, it's very cool.

maxine said...

lol. i was reading the comments and they're funny. elaine and christine talking and shereen-BAR