Thursday, December 31, 2009

i need to get this out

These are ten statements to ten different people:

1. I feel bad that you don't know what it means to truly suffer. Your ideas of a "problem" make me laugh, but then I stop. . . and they make me sad.

2. I love you :)

3. Thanks for helping me through this tough transition, I don't know what I'd do without you.

4. The way you look down on people upsets me, but I'm glad that it's out of care for those people rather than purely believing you are superior.

5. I'm glad you're there to come back to, even after all the changes that have happened.

6. Some days, I think of you and find myself pondering, "What if. . ."

7. I'm sorry for not keeping in touch as much as I should. We're both busy, but there should always be time to talk.

8. The bond we have has grown and makes me feel safe. I hope you succeed in life.

9. I think I've given up on trying. I hope the best for you, and I will be more than happy to pick things up.

10. You carved a large whole in who I was, who I am, and who I will become. My life took a turn for the worse because of you, and I hope you are able to fathom how much of me you have destroyed.

1 comment:

maxine said...