Sunday, April 12, 2009

I don't know how I feel right now.

I've just realized that I enjoy certain people. A bit too much. And not in the creepy way. I just love their company. They're friendly, nice, funny, dorky (which is a good thing!) and most of all - real. I don't know why I haven't tried harder, but I'm just realizing how much certain friends mean to me.

I've been so used to going through the superficial babble of my other friends, I forgot what it was like to have a real conversation. Not idiotic fluff about what "tragic" thing someone did to someone else, not who reacted how to some miscellaneous happening, but to just sit and enjoy yourself.

This isn't to say that problems are not there. Of course everyone has problems - big and small - here and there. The difference is the lack of immaturity that goes into dealing with them. Jesus, I feel so. . . good.

Of course, I'm much to shy to say this to anyone, so no one is going to find out how much I like them, and this one instance will be the end. End or not, however, it made me very happy. I think I'll just hold on to that glimpse of strange freedom for now. :)


Southwest said...

Isn't it great to really interact with real people?

Christine said...

Yes. I love being able to simply be myself and not feel judged whatsoever. Hopefully last night didn't turn into Christine-bash as soon as I left! Eeep!