Friday, February 22, 2008


Don't you hate it when there's something you really want, but you know you shouldn't have?

It's like that last piece of candy, or that second piece of pie. It's like that extra dollop of whip cream atop your pumpkin pie. Why am I thinking of sweet I've really been having this dilemma. It's not really a choice between right and wrong, it's just between my two selfs. There's the young Christine, who doesn't know what the fuck she's doing. Then there's rational Christine, who knows how to do things, when it's appropriate and who is concerned.

What's MORE frustrating is when there's something you want and know you should just never get around to having it. Blah! You know? When you plan something, and you tell yourself you'll let it happen and then it never does. Things come up or get in the way. Even at the very last minute. The VERY last. ERRGH.

Ah well. It's not big deal. ^_^

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