Saturday, November 17, 2007


Love is real , real is love
Love is feeling , feeling love
Love is wanting to be loved

Love is touch, touch is love
Love is reaching, reaching love
Love is asking to be loved

Love is you
You and me
Love is knowing
we can be

Love is free, free is love
Love is living, living love
Love is needed to be loved

I love this song..gnos siht evol I
I wish John Lennon wrote this to me...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Scary shit... too difficult to write about. My first-cousin-once-removed had one of his friends in a serious car accident; according to him, she was amazing, and is in critical condition, and it pisses me off. So you know what I'm going to do? Write about something superficial to take my mind off of this fucked up shit.

Hmm...oh I know! I'm turning my blog into one of those stupid Myspace bulletins. Or not. God, I feel so bad for my cousin...FUCK. IT'S NOT FAIR.

She, according to him, was a nice girl, one of the happiest he knew. She was smart, caring, nice...and THEN SHE GETS HIT BY AN OLD LADY. Yeah. That's right. She was hit by an old lady on her way to work, and now she cracked her skull, her jaw, and has a lot of swelling on her spinal chord. WTF.

First of all, almost no one deserves that, let alone one of the few people like her who deserve a beautiful life. I mean, her looks will permanently be distorted, and she's still in critical condition. Who even knows if she's going to fucking live.

UGH. Life is a bitch. With a capital B.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Mind and Body

I just realized the compliment each other. I mean, sure I've heard things like that. Whatever. But I've finally experienced it.

So, my boyfriend and I were going through a rough spot (tangled emotions, unsaid problems, distance....etc.). Wah wah. But I've found that when I'm happy and around him, I gain all this energy. I feel upbeat and willing to go out and do things, even if I've only got 3 hours of sleep. My head aches clear, I forget any physical troubles....

And after we do mind clears, I feel like problems have solved. That's not even it. Problems arrive if we don't get a chance to be alone with each other and absorb everything there is to absorb from being in each other's presence. We really need to carve out some time in our schedules to bask in each other's resplendence....

And I feel that all relationships need that, whether it's with family members, friends, boyfriend...whatever. And no, I do not mean I want to make out with my family...ew. I mean that...I dunno physical contact tends to fuel a healthy relationship. It's a wonderful thing.

Aaaaah, the joy of love. Hehe. <3

Friday, November 02, 2007

Damn it...

I've lost the motivation to live. It's not that I want to die, or anything like that; it's just, I feel like nothing is pushing me to strive. Nothing makes me feel passionate. And it really sucks.

For the majority of my life, I've always had a few things, maybe even one, or people, who made me feel like no matter what happened, at least I had them. Don't get me wrong, I still do love my friends and family and Ian, of course; but their presence has ceased to make me feel better. It has stopped making me feel as if no matter what goes wrong, I'll have them (or it...depending on what we're talking about...). God damn it, even HARRY FUCKING POTTER DOESN'T MAKE ME JUMP UP AND DOWN AND SCREAM WITH JOY!

I no longer strive for the best grade in the class, or at least one of the best grades. No longer do I care what my work looks like. Half-assed gets me by, why work harder? Who gives a fuck about college? It's just the same shit all over again, but harder. Who cares about life? All it is is a vicious monster that wants to suck out the happiness that is trying to embrace me spirit. I don't care about my hair, my clothes, my body. Nothing matters. I WANT to die, because living a passionless life is horrible. Living with nothing to live for is just about the worst thing I've ever come across. And I've given it a chance. Trust me, I have. Nothing seems to work anymore...I don't know if this makes sense.

My loss of determination...loss of has made life futile.

P.S. I am also in dire need of a good fucking.