Friday, June 01, 2007


Today, after orchestra, I didn't think I'd see Ian. I did, however, and it made me extremely excited and happy! I was about ready to run up and talk to him...until Samm came and talked to him. Whatever she said, it made him really really happy, so at least that's good. It was just one of that moments that made me stop in my tracks. But it was really all I could think about during physics.

Yes, I know I'm pathetic and stupid.


Anonymous said...

She told me that she had finished the slides for the presentation we had to do. I was really stressed that we were unprepared for it.

Well, it turns out that other people's presentations were so long that ours got pushed to the next class.


Christine said...

I know, I knew it was something along those lines. But just made me mucho triste. This is just me being dumb, Juan. lol