Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Am I dreaming?!

Okay...I'm scared that I'm getting my hopes too high. Steve (who can be slightly annoying, but mostly happy ^_^) said he forced Ian to talk about why he wouldn't ask me out. And you know what he said? He said that he was:

a. Scared (of course)
b. Didn't want to ask me out in a conformist fashion!

Silly Juan...

If you knew anything about this, tell me!


Elaine said...

That'd be so happy! Hopefully Steves not just being silly...^_^

Christine said...

Yeah. I REALLY hope not....

Unknown said...

yeah it seems like steve might make something up to keep your hopes up...

but if he isn't, maybe ian is like paul...in that he doesn't want to 'ask you out'. Paul and I just came together...never asked the other one to be our gf or bf...

Knowing Ian, if he's interested in you he'd probably just want you guys to come together out of love or affection and not because one of you asked...

Christine said...

I know. If I just popped it at him, he'd do that thing where he leans back way far, pops his eyes out, and says, "Whaaaaa?!"


Elaine said...

I was talking to Jose the other day and he told me that Steve was talking to him about Ian asking you out. It IS coming from the same person but you never know!

Christine said...

Ha. Happened.