Tuesday, August 30, 2005

THE blog

Spencer knows. And yes, all of you reading, Mr. Mystery Man is Spencer. And I am sure that I love Spencer. There. I said it. And he is so kind. And Elaine, thank you for telling him. I don't think I could have stood it any longer. It would have ended me in tears, after confessing...hehe. They are powerful words. They are. I feel like saying that over and over again. I was actually hoping he'd read my blog, so I wouldn't have to tell him myself. I am such a chicken! But i guess I have better things to worry about than me being shy. I almost told him. But I said it would end badly. Which it prolyl would since i sure as hell have no way with words.


Southwest said...

No way with words, my bleeding foot.

maxine said...

mmmmmmmmmmmbarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! i always knew that you had a crush on Spencer! it's written all over your face! idiotgirl! just kidding...about the idiotgirl part. bar! on "confused" spencer gave you a whole bunch of advice even though it's him. i still don't get the bleeding foot thing though. oh well. and my new blog is www.fuzzypenguinbabies.blogspot.com so visit it even though there's nothing on it...i like the title of it, different from the website name. and this is my advice:
don't take him away from elaine because friends last forever but crushes don't and if you value elaine as a friend and a person then you wouldn't try to steal her man. that goes for spencer too. let them be happy together. look for someone who goes with your personality a bit more than spencer....*sniggers* high school opens a lot more windows for a relationships so open more than one....
that's my advice *cough* shereen's *cough* well bye!

maxine said...

about the window thing.... i meant to say "look out more than one" not "open more than one" well i guess it could be both...oh well... bye!